Since January when the new team members joined one of the tasks they have undertaken has been the creation of documents that form part of the Public health Wales Microbiology Quality Management System. Attached are a series of documents that will give laboratory teams who wish to adopt narrative reporting an understanding of what has been produced that will make their adoption a more rapid process.
Download the main PDF documents.
Guidance for the Narrative Authorisation of Urine Samples for Hywel Dda UHB and North Wales Microbiology
This document is part of the Quality Management suite of documents and as such is a controlled document and only the electronic copy held on the Quality Management System can be considered the current version with a managed change control process.
Urine Technical and Narrative Result Authorisation for Hywel Dda UHB and North Wales Microbiology: Training and Competency Assessment
This is the current draft of the training and competency assessment document, which again will form part of our Quality Management documentation and system. It remains to be tested further but is offered as an indication of how this is progressing. Any new adoptions sites should make contact to seek updated versions.
IQA Worksheet (Narrative Urine Authorisation)
This is the second iteration of the document, following initial testing. We will be conducting further in-house assessments to further refine. The most recent version will always be held electronically in the Quality Management System, so again, please make contact if you wish to see progress with developments and to adopt.